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S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
1090975 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA356107 Compilation Error C 337 B 2023/10/24 15:39:25
1063142 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA398109 Accepted (59 ms, 128 KB) C 400 B 2023/09/17 12:37:19
1062711 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA398109 Accepted (71 ms, 128 KB) C 303 B 2023/09/17 00:17:32
1060854 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA398107 Accepted (49 ms, 128 KB) C 279 B 2023/09/09 22:05:23
1060853 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA398107 Compilation Error C 331 B 2023/09/09 22:04:06
1060272 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA398105 Accepted (47 ms, 128 KB) C 378 B 2023/09/08 19:01:22
1060268 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA398105 Wrong Answer (score: 50) C 378 B 2023/09/08 18:57:20
1059939 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA398108 Accepted (55 ms, 276 KB) C++ 292 B 2023/09/06 15:07:12
1050536 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA396108 Accepted (57 ms, 128 KB) C 388 B 2023/08/13 17:18:43
1049791 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA396115 Accepted (50 ms, 128 KB) C 475 B 2023/08/12 16:55:55
1049094 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA396107 Accepted (72 ms, 256 KB) C++ 364 B 2023/08/11 16:53:16
1049092 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA396107 Compilation Error C++ 773 B 2023/08/11 16:51:57
1047398 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA396109 Accepted (64 ms, 128 KB) C 602 B 2023/08/03 15:20:14
1047396 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA396109 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 707 B 2023/08/03 15:16:01
1047395 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA396109 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 711 B 2023/08/03 15:11:39
1038769 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388118 Accepted (78 ms, 128 KB) C 291 B 2023/07/13 22:55:43
1037361 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388121 Accepted (64 ms, 128 KB) C 294 B 2023/07/08 22:21:25
1037133 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388121 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 406 B 2023/07/08 00:48:07
1037132 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388121 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 408 B 2023/07/08 00:45:48
1037131 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388121 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 326 B 2023/07/08 00:40:49
1036921 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388123 Accepted (71 ms, 128 KB) C++ 357 B 2023/07/06 21:19:24
1036912 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388125 Accepted (71 ms, 128 KB) C++ 381 B 2023/07/06 20:31:29
1036755 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388112 Accepted (62 ms, 128 KB) C 399 B 2023/07/05 20:39:10
1036707 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA388106 Accepted (67 ms, 296 KB) C++ 311 B 2023/07/05 13:01:46
1021368 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA383107 Accepted (115 ms, 128 KB) C 424 B 2023/05/16 04:21:46