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User Verdict Len Date
1263932 1172 One-dimensional array/container practice III P B11902126 Compilation Error C 214 B 2025/02/18 22:20:24
1263931 3102 Primes between 2 and m P CBO433115 Accepted (53 ms, 256 KB) C++ 359 B 2025/02/18 22:17:38
1263930 1034 One-dimensional array/container practice II P B11902126 Runtime Error (score: 0) Python 3 323 B 2025/02/18 22:09:57
1263929 1034 One-dimensional array/container practice II P B11902126 Accepted (65 ms, 2 MB) Python 3 159 B 2025/02/18 22:09:10
1263928 1034 One-dimensional array/container practice II P B11902126 Runtime Error (score: 0) Python 3 323 B 2025/02/18 22:05:30
1263927 1034 One-dimensional array/container practice II P B11902126 Runtime Error (score: 0) Python 3 271 B 2025/02/18 21:55:34
1263926 1034 One-dimensional array/container practice II P B11902126 Runtime Error (score: 0) Python 3 270 B 2025/02/18 21:54:14
1263925 1034 One-dimensional array/container practice II P B11902126 Compilation Error C 270 B 2025/02/18 21:53:43
1263924 3029 Loop (Factorial Summation) P B10501017_CSIE1928_1131 Accepted (61 ms, 128 KB) C 1 KB 2025/02/18 21:52:23
1263923 1071 Company Employee Management System P B10501017_CSIE1928_1131 Accepted (59 ms, 128 KB) C 1 KB 2025/02/18 21:42:42
1263922 1202 A Single Transaction P CBO433115 Accepted (65 ms, 512 KB) C++ 314 B 2025/02/18 21:42:09
1263921 1202 A Single Transaction P CBO433115 Runtime Error (score: 20) C++ 384 B 2025/02/18 21:36:40
1263920 1030 One-dimensional array/container practice I P B11902126 Accepted (61 ms, 2 MB) Python 3 117 B 2025/02/18 21:35:58
1263919 1030 One-dimensional array/container practice I P B11902126 Accepted (65 ms, 2 MB) Python 3 111 B 2025/02/18 21:31:40
1263918 1030 One-dimensional array/container practice I P B11902126 Compilation Error C 111 B 2025/02/18 21:31:09
1263917 3098 9 follows 1 P CBO433115 Accepted (64 ms, 256 KB) C++ 359 B 2025/02/18 21:24:26
1263916 3039 Filter specific types of file names I P b08102008 Accepted (57 ms, 2 MB) Python 3 137 B 2025/02/18 17:30:00
1263915 3111 Text search - Song of Everlasting Regret V sentence sorting III P b08102008 Accepted (71 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 5 KB 2025/02/18 17:11:04
1263914 3111 Text search - Song of Everlasting Regret V sentence sorting III P b08102008 Runtime Error (score: 80) Python 3 5 KB 2025/02/18 17:08:37
1263913 3111 Text search - Song of Everlasting Regret V sentence sorting III P b08102008 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 5 KB 2025/02/18 16:52:13
1263912 3111 Text search - Song of Everlasting Regret V sentence sorting III P b08102008 Compilation Error C 5 KB 2025/02/18 16:52:00
1263911 3111 Text search - Song of Everlasting Regret V sentence sorting III P b08102008 Runtime Error (score: 80) Python 3 5 KB 2025/02/18 16:50:49
1263910 3077 Permutation and Combination II P CBO433120 Accepted (60 ms, 128 KB) C 505 B 2025/02/18 15:09:29
1263909 3077 Permutation and Combination II P CBO433120 Wrong Answer (score: 20) C 460 B 2025/02/18 15:02:14
1263908 3072 Combination P CBO433120 Accepted (37 ms, 128 KB) C 307 B 2025/02/18 14:59:21