123 new message test

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ID PYON360132
Class 3 Python Rank Progress
Period PYON360 Rank Progress
#Solved List 6 7 8 10 1001 1005 1006 1011 1025 1177 1178 1185 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3015 3031 3036
#Solved 22
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E-mail sunmingchun2003@gmail.com
Last Login 2024/06/26 06:28:51

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name Python
Class Default Language Python 3

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
884939 3007 Top 3 largest numbers P PYON360132 Accepted (74 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 193 B 2022/08/16 17:40:31
884938 3031 Unit conversion - dozen P PYON360132 Accepted (83 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 96 B 2022/08/16 17:35:32
884937 3006 Scholarship amount judgment program P PYON360132 Accepted (71 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 157 B 2022/08/16 17:31:21
884936 3006 Scholarship amount judgment program P PYON360132 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 162 B 2022/08/16 17:28:28
877500 10 Power P PYON360132 Accepted (65 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 45 B 2022/07/22 11:49:14
877497 1011 Pass-fail judgment II P PYON360132 Accepted (64 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 184 B 2022/07/22 11:44:56
877493 7 3, 5, and 7 P PYON360132 Accepted (68 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 91 B 2022/07/22 11:34:55
877491 1178 Three-number relationship judgment P PYON360132 Accepted (76 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 285 B 2022/07/22 11:28:00
877259 1025 Password verification I P PYON360132 Accepted (53 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 95 B 2022/07/21 17:39:37
876948 3004 Circle area II P PYON360132 Accepted (53 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 136 B 2022/07/20 17:50:56
876945 8 Triangle Length P PYON360132 Accepted (56 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 115 B 2022/07/20 17:42:21
876855 1185 Basic input practice II P PYON360132 Accepted (56 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 173 B 2022/07/20 11:37:52
876851 1177 Basic input practice I P PYON360132 Accepted (75 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 118 B 2022/07/20 11:25:57
876846 6 Print Three Digits P PYON360132 Accepted (66 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 81 B 2022/07/20 11:20:38
876837 3005 Pass-fail judgment I P PYON360132 Accepted (63 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 78 B 2022/07/20 11:07:23
875456 1006 Add Two Numbers I - Simple Version P PYON360132 Accepted (86 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 46 B 2022/07/16 06:37:56
874564 3003 Circle area I P PYON360132 Accepted (51 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 127 B 2022/07/13 11:44:01
874359 3002 Trapezoid area II P PYON360132 Accepted (74 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 76 B 2022/07/13 10:17:55
874332 3001 Trapezoid area I P PYON360132 Accepted (63 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 41 B 2022/07/13 10:13:05
874154 3036 Input and output P PYON360132 Accepted (65 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 110 B 2022/07/12 22:46:28