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ID PYON360142
Class 3 Python Rank Progress
Period PYON360 Rank Progress
#Solved List 8 1001 1005 1006 1014 1019 1177 3001 3002 3003 3004 3008 3015 3036
#Solved 14
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E-mail chuen329@gmail.com
Last Login 2023/01/30 10:45:19

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name Python
Class Default Language Python 3

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
877966 1014 Sum from 1 to n II P PYON360142 Accepted (63 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 145 B 2022/07/24 16:49:17
877964 1014 Sum from 1 to n II P PYON360142 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 146 B 2022/07/24 16:48:02
877954 3008 Sum from 1 to n I P PYON360142 Accepted (69 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 85 B 2022/07/24 16:21:24
877946 1019 BMI calculator P PYON360142 Accepted (66 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 328 B 2022/07/24 15:53:47
877945 1019 BMI calculator P PYON360142 Wrong Answer (score: 67) Python 3 328 B 2022/07/24 15:53:03
877942 1019 BMI calculator P PYON360142 Wrong Answer (score: 67) Python 3 339 B 2022/07/24 15:51:38
877924 3004 Circle area II P PYON360142 Accepted (97 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 149 B 2022/07/24 15:16:31
877922 3003 Circle area I P PYON360142 Accepted (37 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 139 B 2022/07/24 15:13:41
877917 8 Triangle Length P PYON360142 Accepted (79 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 122 B 2022/07/24 14:59:16
873313 3002 Trapezoid area II P PYON360142 Accepted (64 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 90 B 2022/07/11 17:43:12
873310 3001 Trapezoid area I P PYON360142 Accepted (46 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 56 B 2022/07/11 17:38:36
873309 3001 Trapezoid area I P PYON360142 Accepted (70 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 52 B 2022/07/11 17:38:01
873307 1177 Basic input practice I P PYON360142 Accepted (75 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 85 B 2022/07/11 17:33:22
871738 1001 Basic input-output swap P PYON360142 Accepted (70 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 38 B 2022/07/08 21:44:07
871737 1006 Add Two Numbers I - Simple Version P PYON360142 Accepted (70 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 43 B 2022/07/08 21:41:20
871734 3036 Input and output P PYON360142 Accepted (62 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 103 B 2022/07/08 21:38:54
871733 3036 Input and output P PYON360142 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 82 B 2022/07/08 21:36:58
871729 3036 Input and output P PYON360142 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 86 B 2022/07/08 21:10:32
871726 1005 First program - simple text output P PYON360142 Accepted (39 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 57 B 2022/07/08 20:57:14
871724 1005 First program - simple text output P PYON360142 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 57 B 2022/07/08 20:54:13