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ID CBO433115
Class 1 C/C++ Basic Rank Progress
Period CBO433 Rank Progress
#Solved List 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1026 1027 1032 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1050 1051 1052 1062 1081 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1150 1151 1169 1170 1171 1176 1177 1178 1186 1201 1202 1303 1401 1406 1421 1501 1511 3001 3002 3005 3008 3009 3017 3021 3022 3025 3026 3027 3028 3030 3031 3036 3041 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3053 3060 3096 3098 3102 3234 3562
#Solved 96
IP ::ffff:

E-mail samborn2010@gmail.com
Last Login 2025/02/21 11:31:13

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name C/C++ Basic
Class Default Language C

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
1264034 1062 Prime Number Judgment Program (C Multiple File Combination) P CBO433115 Accepted (61 ms, 128 KB) * 303 B 2025/02/21 12:36:54
1264033 15 Print Backward to 1 P CBO433115 Accepted (55 ms, 256 KB) C++ 194 B 2025/02/21 11:44:18
1264032 13 Print a Repeated Pattern P CBO433115 Accepted (61 ms, 256 KB) C++ 230 B 2025/02/21 11:42:24
1264010 12 Up and Down P CBO433115 Accepted (64 ms, 256 KB) C++ 339 B 2025/02/20 19:10:26
1264009 10 Power P CBO433115 Accepted (65 ms, 272 KB) C++ 236 B 2025/02/20 18:35:16
1264008 1081 Stomping game P CBO433115 Accepted (61 ms, 256 KB) C++ 207 B 2025/02/20 18:11:31
1264007 9 Score of an Integer P CBO433115 Accepted (61 ms, 256 KB) C++ 493 B 2025/02/20 17:40:13
1264005 8 Triangle Length P CBO433115 Accepted (61 ms, 256 KB) C++ 338 B 2025/02/20 16:24:05
1264004 7 3, 5, and 7 P CBO433115 Accepted (65 ms, 256 KB) C++ 328 B 2025/02/20 16:20:55
1264003 6 Print Three Digits P CBO433115 Accepted (61 ms, 256 KB) C++ 279 B 2025/02/20 16:15:14
1264002 6 Print Three Digits P CBO433115 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C++ 253 B 2025/02/20 16:11:04
1264000 6 Print Three Digits P CBO433115 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C++ 253 B 2025/02/20 16:06:08
1263971 3041 Armstrong number P CBO433115 Accepted (61 ms, 256 KB) C++ 717 B 2025/02/19 21:50:54
1263970 3041 Armstrong number P CBO433115 Compilation Error C++ 3 KB 2025/02/19 21:49:35
1263931 3102 Primes between 2 and m P CBO433115 Accepted (53 ms, 256 KB) C++ 359 B 2025/02/18 22:17:38
1263922 1202 A Single Transaction P CBO433115 Accepted (65 ms, 512 KB) C++ 314 B 2025/02/18 21:42:09
1263921 1202 A Single Transaction P CBO433115 Runtime Error (score: 20) C++ 384 B 2025/02/18 21:36:40
1263917 3098 9 follows 1 P CBO433115 Accepted (64 ms, 256 KB) C++ 359 B 2025/02/18 21:24:26
1263895 1051 Print Total Scores and Averages for Each Class - Dynamic 2D Array P CBO433115 Accepted (90 ms, 3 MB) C++ 843 B 2025/02/17 19:51:27
1263893 1051 Print Total Scores and Averages for Each Class - Dynamic 2D Array P CBO433115 Runtime Error (score: 0) C++ 862 B 2025/02/17 19:41:32