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ID PYT26128
Class 3 Python Rank Progress
Period Rank Progress
#Solved List 3002 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3013 3048 3049 3063 3066 3071 3072 3073 3085 3086 3101 3102 3104
#Solved 19

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Last Login 2015/12/11 22:10:41

Class Information

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Class Name Python
Class Default Language Python 3

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
3775 3085 Exception Handling - Division of Two Numbers P PYT26128 Accepted (64 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 331 B 2015/12/05 15:09:31
3773 3085 Exception Handling - Division of Two Numbers P PYT26128 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 329 B 2015/12/05 15:08:40
3652 3086 Read *.csv File III P PYT26128 Accepted (71 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 278 B 2015/12/05 11:09:01
2756 3106 Matrix Multiplication - Function Practice (Python) P PYT26128 Runtime Error (score: 0) Python 3 512 B 2015/11/29 11:35:46
2643 3071 Permutation P PYT26128 Accepted (58 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 215 B 2015/11/28 15:28:54
2630 3072 Combination P PYT26128 Accepted (39 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 227 B 2015/11/28 15:23:35
2559 3073 Function Returning Multiple Values P PYT26128 Accepted (38 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 194 B 2015/11/28 14:37:27
2414 3066 Dictionary password P PYT26128 Accepted (17 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 153 B 2015/11/28 11:44:08
2342 3066 Dictionary password P PYT26128 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 152 B 2015/11/28 11:17:49
2341 3066 Dictionary password P PYT26128 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 153 B 2015/11/28 11:17:15
2271 3063 List practice I P PYT26128 Accepted (39 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 240 B 2015/11/28 10:41:27
1577 3051 Star Christmas Tree P PYT26128 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 176 B 2015/11/22 16:28:26
1576 3051 Star Christmas Tree P PYT26128 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 176 B 2015/11/22 16:27:00
1481 3104 Text search - Song of Everlasting Regret III most frequent character P PYT26128 Accepted (20 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 3 KB 2015/11/22 12:43:02
1471 3103 Advanced number guessing - ultimate password P PYT26128 Runtime Error (score: 25) Python 3 319 B 2015/11/22 11:37:24
1461 3102 Primes between 2 and m P PYT26128 Accepted (19 ms, 3 MB) Python 3 166 B 2015/11/22 11:22:52
1458 3102 Primes between 2 and m P PYT26128 Wrong Answer (score: 0) Python 3 166 B 2015/11/22 11:17:32
1336 3011 Determine if it's a number I P PYT26128 Runtime Error (score: 50) Python 3 139 B 2015/11/21 16:13:48
1332 3011 Determine if it's a number I P PYT26128 Runtime Error (score: 50) Python 3 139 B 2015/11/21 16:12:35
1329 3011 Determine if it's a number I P PYT26128 Runtime Error (score: 0) Python 3 126 B 2015/11/21 16:11:32