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ID CA318114
Class 2 C/C++ Data structure Rank Progress
Period CA318 Rank Progress
#Solved List 2001 2002 2028 2031 2039 2040 2101 2102
#Solved 8
IP ::ffff:

E-mail yuehhsing@hotmail.com
Last Login 2019/08/25 10:18:00

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name C/C++ Data structure
Class Default Language C

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
408971 2040 Binary Tree Search P CA318114 Accepted (29 ms, 128 KB) C 2 KB 2019/07/27 13:45:54
406463 2102 Matrix multiplication I P CA318114 Accepted (30 ms, 128 KB) C 505 B 2019/07/23 12:36:26
406460 2102 Matrix multiplication I P CA318114 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 504 B 2019/07/23 12:35:16
405319 2101 Comprehensive Income Tax Calculation P CA318114 Accepted (40 ms, 128 KB) C 711 B 2019/07/22 10:39:03
405317 2101 Comprehensive Income Tax Calculation P CA318114 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 711 B 2019/07/22 10:36:02
405211 2039 Binary Tree Traversal II P CA318114 Accepted (20 ms, 128 KB) C 2 KB 2019/07/21 16:02:07
405201 2031 Binary Tree Traversal I P CA318114 Accepted (15 ms, 128 KB) C 1 KB 2019/07/21 15:57:55
405196 2031 Binary Tree Traversal I P CA318114 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 1 KB 2019/07/21 15:55:36
405135 2028 Tower of Hanoi P CA318114 Accepted (39 ms, 128 KB) C 595 B 2019/07/21 14:01:54
405132 2028 Tower of Hanoi P CA318114 Compilation Error C 129 KB 2019/07/21 14:00:27
404744 2024 Sorting Method P CA318114 Compilation Error C 840 B 2019/07/20 14:07:52
397294 2002 猜數字遊戲-進階版 (終極密碼)-(重覆) P CA318114 Accepted (35 ms, 128 KB) C 625 B 2019/07/06 15:32:11
397273 2002 猜數字遊戲-進階版 (終極密碼)-(重覆) P CA318114 Output Limit Exceeded (score: 0) C 622 B 2019/07/06 15:24:29
397145 2001 Guess the Number Game P CA318114 Accepted (32 ms, 128 KB) C 314 B 2019/07/06 14:09:37