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ID b10501004
Class 1 C/C++ Basic Rank Progress
Period GENEDU5005_1101 Rank Progress
#Solved List 13 1001 1004 1005 1006 1011 1013 1014 1016 1019 1020 1022 1023 1032 1034 1051 1061 1062 1063 1064 1080 1091 1093 1096 1098 1102 1103 1110 1113 1120 1122 1131 1134 1135 1136 1139 1140 1141 1142 1144 1202 1300 1406 1407 1500 1511 3006 3020 3027 3029 3031 3033 3036 3041 3047 3056 3073 3077 3102 3234 3296
#Solved 61
IP ::ffff:

E-mail b10501004@ntu.edu.tw
Last Login 2024/12/21 18:40:30

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name C/C++ Basic
Class Default Language C

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
786237 3294 A Day in the Life of a Network Admin (2D Dynamic Array) P b10501004 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 578 B 2022/01/10 15:19:54
786116 3294 A Day in the Life of a Network Admin (2D Dynamic Array) P b10501004 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 494 B 2022/01/10 15:06:29
786043 3139 The Accountant's Growth Path IV - System Crisis (Function) (C++ Multiple File Combination) P b10501004 Compilation Error * 301 B 2022/01/10 14:56:24
785906 3296 A Day in the Life of a Network Admin (User List) P b10501004 Accepted (71 ms, 128 KB) C 695 B 2022/01/10 14:33:49
785898 3296 A Day in the Life of a Network Admin (User List) P b10501004 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 695 B 2022/01/10 14:32:51
785873 3296 A Day in the Life of a Network Admin (User List) P b10501004 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 689 B 2022/01/10 14:28:08
784376 1122 Call Me 'Square' Practice V - Square's Speed Crisis P b10501004 Accepted (803 ms, 256 KB) * 961 B 2022/01/08 22:53:22
784370 1122 Call Me 'Square' Practice V - Square's Speed Crisis P b10501004 Accepted (807 ms, 256 KB) * 961 B 2022/01/08 22:51:44
784270 1122 Call Me 'Square' Practice V - Square's Speed Crisis P b10501004 Wrong Answer (score: 50) * 955 B 2022/01/08 22:25:11
784264 1122 Call Me 'Square' Practice V - Square's Speed Crisis P b10501004 Compilation Error * 954 B 2022/01/08 22:23:38
784257 1122 Call Me 'Square' Practice V - Square's Speed Crisis P b10501004 Wrong Answer (score: 50) * 967 B 2022/01/08 22:22:35
784244 1122 Call Me 'Square' Practice V - Square's Speed Crisis P b10501004 Compilation Error * 845 B 2022/01/08 22:18:35
784234 1113 Call Me 'Square' Practice II - Attribute Privatization P b10501004 Accepted (71 ms, 256 KB) * 500 B 2022/01/08 22:14:05
784205 1110 I Want to Be a Pokémon Master IV - Constructors and Destructors P b10501004 Accepted (45 ms, 256 KB) * 1 KB 2022/01/08 22:04:48
784199 1091 Passing by Reference - MySwap Function P b10501004 Accepted (41 ms, 256 KB) * 140 B 2022/01/08 22:02:40
784179 1144 Flash~Maze P b10501004 Accepted (37 ms, 256 KB) C++ 2 KB 2022/01/08 21:55:09
784159 1300 How Many People Are Criticizing the Company? P b10501004 Accepted (42 ms, 256 KB) C++ 1 KB 2022/01/08 21:48:36
784141 1120 Call Me 'Square' Practice IV - Square's Friends I - Function P b10501004 Accepted (48 ms, 256 KB) * 953 B 2022/01/08 21:43:33
784103 1093 C++ Overloaded Function - Overloaded Struct Parameter Function P b10501004 Accepted (44 ms, 256 KB) * 670 B 2022/01/08 21:33:58
784079 1139 Cryptographer~Class P b10501004 Accepted (49 ms, 256 KB) C++ 2 KB 2022/01/08 21:28:27