123 new message test

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ID b06703100
Class 1 C/C++ Basic Rank Progress
Period GENEDU5005_1101 Rank Progress
#Solved List 13 1011 1013 1014 1016 1019 1022 1102 3006 3027 3031 3047
#Solved 12
IP ::ffff:

E-mail b06703100@ntu.edu.tw
Last Login 2021/12/11 13:51:04

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name C/C++ Basic
Class Default Language C

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
736094 3047 Square * print - nested loop P b06703100 Accepted (61 ms, 128 KB) C++ 176 B 2021/10/16 23:36:07
736074 1102 Multiplication table P b06703100 Accepted (100 ms, 128 KB) C++ 332 B 2021/10/16 23:31:17
736069 1102 Multiplication table P b06703100 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C++ 332 B 2021/10/16 23:30:02
736044 13 Print a Repeated Pattern P b06703100 Accepted (56 ms, 128 KB) C++ 171 B 2021/10/16 23:23:04
736005 1016 Repeat only if y is pressed P b06703100 Accepted (51 ms, 128 KB) C++ 181 B 2021/10/16 23:16:11
735867 1022 Triangle * print IV P b06703100 Accepted (65 ms, 128 KB) C++ 250 B 2021/10/16 22:36:59
735819 1014 Sum from 1 to n II P b06703100 Accepted (61 ms, 128 KB) C++ 238 B 2021/10/16 22:17:52
735778 1013 Simple calculator switch-case P b06703100 Accepted (74 ms, 128 KB) C++ 393 B 2021/10/16 22:04:21
735647 3031 Unit conversion - dozen P b06703100 Accepted (43 ms, 128 KB) C++ 219 B 2021/10/16 20:54:53
735642 3031 Unit conversion - dozen P b06703100 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C++ 154 B 2021/10/16 20:52:37
735635 3027 Xiaoming needs to pay taxes P b06703100 Accepted (63 ms, 128 KB) C++ 730 B 2021/10/16 20:48:07
735611 3006 Scholarship amount judgment program P b06703100 Accepted (65 ms, 128 KB) C++ 326 B 2021/10/16 20:34:31
735594 1019 BMI calculator P b06703100 Accepted (45 ms, 256 KB) C++ 600 B 2021/10/16 20:24:00
735543 1011 Pass-fail judgment II P b06703100 Accepted (45 ms, 128 KB) C++ 318 B 2021/10/16 19:58:40