123 new message test

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ID b10501146
Class 1 C/C++ Basic Rank Progress
Period GENEDU5005_1101 Rank Progress
#Solved List 13 55 1011 1013 1014 1016 1019 1020 1022 1032 1034 1102 1103 1140 1406 1511 3006 3027 3031 3041 3047 3056 3098 3102 3234
#Solved 25
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E-mail b10501146@ntu.edu.tw
Last Login 2021/11/01 20:11:53

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name C/C++ Basic
Class Default Language C

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
742831 1032 Bubble sort P b10501146 Accepted (50 ms, 128 KB) C++ 503 B 2021/10/31 16:37:19
742829 1034 One-dimensional array/container practice II P b10501146 Accepted (55 ms, 128 KB) C++ 413 B 2021/10/31 16:36:19
742804 1032 Bubble sort P b10501146 Accepted (58 ms, 128 KB) C++ 503 B 2021/10/31 15:44:31
736152 3043 Huahua crosses mountains P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 80) C 699 B 2021/10/16 23:45:34
736024 3043 Huahua crosses mountains P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 80) C 698 B 2021/10/16 23:18:58
736007 3027 Xiaoming needs to pay taxes P b10501146 Accepted (60 ms, 128 KB) C++ 836 B 2021/10/16 23:16:22
736002 3027 Xiaoming needs to pay taxes P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C++ 830 B 2021/10/16 23:15:01
735675 3098 9 follows 1 P b10501146 Accepted (60 ms, 128 KB) C++ 412 B 2021/10/16 21:09:55
735607 55 The Robots P b10501146 Accepted (50 ms, 128 KB) C++ 886 B 2021/10/16 20:31:02
735558 55 The Robots P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 35) C++ 878 B 2021/10/16 20:09:39
735550 55 The Robots P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 55) C++ 877 B 2021/10/16 20:05:50
735475 1103 Number to text output (Chinese uppercase numbers) P b10501146 Accepted (52 ms, 128 KB) C 1 KB 2021/10/16 19:14:03
735457 1103 Number to text output (Chinese uppercase numbers) P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 20) C 1 KB 2021/10/16 19:04:05
735444 1103 Number to text output (Chinese uppercase numbers) P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C++ 1 KB 2021/10/16 18:52:49
735345 3102 Primes between 2 and m P b10501146 Accepted (43 ms, 128 KB) C++ 506 B 2021/10/16 17:37:53
735313 3102 Primes between 2 and m P b10501146 Accepted (33 ms, 128 KB) C++ 422 B 2021/10/16 17:19:22
734461 3056 Mysterious number 7 P b10501146 Accepted (59 ms, 128 KB) C++ 631 B 2021/10/16 06:58:26
734440 3047 Square * print - nested loop P b10501146 Accepted (62 ms, 128 KB) C++ 361 B 2021/10/16 05:47:16
734431 3041 Armstrong number P b10501146 Accepted (76 ms, 128 KB) C++ 723 B 2021/10/16 05:31:21
734430 3041 Armstrong number P b10501146 Wrong Answer (score: 80) C++ 723 B 2021/10/16 05:29:40