123 new message test

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ID b09613021
Class 1 C/C++ Basic Rank Progress
Period GENEDU5005_1101 Rank Progress
#Solved List 13 1005 1006 1011 1013 1014 1016 1019 1022 1023 1032 1034 1040 1047 1051 1052 1102 1131 1135 1136 1140 1141 1202 1406 1407 1511 3006 3013 3027 3031 3041 3047 3056 3102 3117
#Solved 35
IP ::ffff:

E-mail b09613021@ntu.edu.tw
Last Login 2021/11/25 09:27:00

Class Information

Class Picture
Class Name C/C++ Basic
Class Default Language C

Recent Submission (all)

S# P# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
User Verdict Len Date
754881 1135 Cryptography ~ special values P b09613021 Accepted (74 ms, 384 KB) C 667 B 2021/11/13 23:12:10
754853 1051 Print Total Scores and Averages for Each Class - Dynamic 2D Array P b09613021 Accepted (142 ms, 5 MB) C 899 B 2021/11/13 23:06:49
754842 1051 Print Total Scores and Averages for Each Class - Dynamic 2D Array P b09613021 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 922 B 2021/11/13 23:02:48
754730 3117 Inverted Phenomenon P b09613021 Accepted (86 ms, 256 KB) C 677 B 2021/11/13 22:35:11
754708 3117 Inverted Phenomenon P b09613021 Wrong Answer (score: 90) C 683 B 2021/11/13 22:28:18
754703 3117 Inverted Phenomenon P b09613021 Wrong Answer (score: 10) C 681 B 2021/11/13 22:27:07
754656 1422 String and container conversion - merging two word lists P b09613021 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 1 KB 2021/11/13 22:11:16
753493 3013 Search string position I P b09613021 Accepted (59 ms, 128 KB) C 506 B 2021/11/13 14:37:16
753439 1047 String Decoding - String to Binary P b09613021 Accepted (51 ms, 128 KB) C 771 B 2021/11/13 14:18:33
752575 1422 String and container conversion - merging two word lists P b09613021 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 1 KB 2021/11/12 23:30:02
752464 1040 Convert lowercase string to uppercase string II P b09613021 Accepted (51 ms, 128 KB) C 455 B 2021/11/12 22:17:30
752451 1040 Convert lowercase string to uppercase string II P b09613021 Wrong Answer (score: 25) C 453 B 2021/11/12 22:10:30
751044 1422 String and container conversion - merging two word lists P b09613021 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 660 B 2021/11/11 17:32:23
751042 1422 String and container conversion - merging two word lists P b09613021 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 660 B 2021/11/11 17:31:52
749329 1141 Flash City Hidden Abilities P b09613021 Accepted (64 ms, 3 MB) C 529 B 2021/11/09 21:03:01
749328 1141 Flash City Hidden Abilities P b09613021 Accepted (59 ms, 3 MB) C 529 B 2021/11/09 21:02:31
749322 1141 Flash City Hidden Abilities P b09613021 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 348 B 2021/11/09 20:57:20
749304 1131 PUBG~Can You Win? P b09613021 Accepted (62 ms, 4 MB) C 611 B 2021/11/09 20:42:53
749283 1136 Cryptography~Confusion and Misleading P b09613021 Accepted (95 ms, 3 MB) C 548 B 2021/11/09 20:06:00
749240 1202 A Single Transaction P b09613021 Accepted (65 ms, 384 KB) C 433 B 2021/11/09 18:29:14